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United States

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United States

If you do not have a tracking number, we advise you to contact your shipper, they will issue you a tracking number with order reference and status. However, if you have other shipping reference numbers, they may work using shipment tracking systems of the specific business unit in charge of the shipment .

We accept cash payment, PayPal, Visa/Master card and Bank transfer. We are currently working on adding the cryptocurrency payment since the world is turning digital.

Please make sure you entered the correct tracking number in the correct format (explanations and examples of national and international tracking numbers are further up this site). If your tracking number is not working, please contact your shipper or online shop. Also make sure you copy paste your tracking number rather than typing it, to avoid errors.

We personally ship all over Europe and Australia and partner with other shipping agencies to reach other parts of the world, our rates are very affordable.

Once you get your final email with the subject “Delivered”, you can check the pickup address where the parcel is. Some people will prefer not to share their recipient house address, in that case, you will need to pickup at our office which it’s location will be included in the email.

We keep our rates low and very competitive as we are targeting to be the leader in global freight logistics services. Not just our rates but we offer quality service and accurate and time efficient shipping to satisfy our customers and win the market.

Tracking events usually appear 24-48 hours after receiving the Track and Trace number. In general, once the shipment has reached our facility, a tracking event will appear. However, if you don’t receive an email from us, check your spam folder, if it persist, don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you do not have a tracking number, we advise you to contact your shipper, they will issue you a tracking number with order reference and status. However, if you have other shipping reference numbers, they may work using shipment tracking systems of the specific business unit in charge of the shipment .

A tracking number is a combination of numbers and possibly letters that uniquely identifies your shipment for national or international tracking.

Usually, the shipper or online shop is able to provide the tracking number. If you have ordered a product in an online shop, the confirmation email or shipment tracking notification often contains the tracking number.
If not, please contact your shipper or online shop.

Yes, we do get your location for accurate rate calculations if your about to make a shipment and the data we collect is not stored, and only used for the purpose it is intended to. To know more about how we process this data, check our privacy notice.

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